By: Olabisi Jelilat O.
First Class Graduate Unilorin (2016)
Industrial Chemistry

“Successful people are those that sacrifice their convenience and enjoyment for what they aim to achieve”. Academic excellence is being perceived to have different interpretations by different individuals. To some people, it is when a student reads for examination; days and nights and score high and impressive marks. To others, it is for a student to successfully cram all what he is being taught. In this context however, academic excellence is perceived as the ability of a student being taught in any form of setting to comprehend what he has been taught, make further research on topics surrounding it and being able to relate and apply it to real-life situations. To achieve this therefore, a student is advised to inculcate the following TENhabits:

  2. For you to attain academic excellence, you need to develop an unprecedented interest in your studies. In doing this, you will readily listen to instructions, be readily available at any platform of beneficial learning, create interest in discussions and talks that may increase your knowledge, abide by the rules and regulations of your learning environment and ask questions to affirm the understanding of what you are being taught.

  4. As an excellent student, you don’t only depend on what you are taught because there is limited time for teaching. You also need to create and dedicate time to read more on what you have been taught and what you have not even learnt. Knowledge is embedded in books; therefore you will have to dig deep in exploring all areas surrounding your specialization and even beyond.

  6. Reading should not be all about running your eyes through your books; it is about getting the detailed information and grabbing the knowledge hidden in the books. Different people have different retention time and condition. Some people comprehend their reading better in the day while some do better at night. Some people might prefer reading in a silent and isolated environment to reading in a noisy or rowdy environment. The best habit however is to study yourself to know the time and condition that you comprehend most. Within the shortest possible time, build your schedules around it (even if it warrants having siesta because you need to read in the midnight) and evaluate yourself to know what you have achieved with it.

  8. An excellent student will not misuse the opportunity of being taught by a teacher. You need to create the habit of listening and following instructions in order to quickly grab what you are being taught at the moment. In doing this, you will build a good foundation in understanding the topic and so, little efforts will be needed whenever you are to read on your own. Failure starts from procrastinating to comprehend your lectures till you read all by yourself, which you may never achieve.

  10. A proper habit of time management is common in those that succeed. It does not necessarily require a student to read all the time, it only cautions you to plan your time around all activities you need to carry out. Sleeping, worshipping, playing and visitation, household chores and errands need to be allotted their times as much as study times. All your planned time must however not be violated and try to create room for check and balances, either by a teacher, parent, friend or sibling.

  12. An excellent student is expected to be extremely inquisitive as such a habit will enable you to have easy access to hidden knowledge. Inquisitiveness will help you to develop passion of persistent presence and punctuality to classes as well as reading wider than what the teacher teaches. This will take you closer to many secrets of knowledge.

  14. Any journey without a destination is void. The destination and target of Muslims on earth is to attain paradise. As such , this is the guide to all their actions and activities. An excellent student must have a clear target of where he aims to be within a time frame, this will guide the rate, mode and habit of studying, a student that plans to attain an excellent result with A’s and B’s in a single sitting will definitely have a different habit from another one that is contented with a credit pass or even another that wants to just pass out of school.

  16. To identify the milestones in your studying, you will need to always answer questions in areas where you have been taught or read. In addition to this, a very challenging habit is to bring yourself in contact with those that are more knowledgeable than you or even students in other schools to engage in discussions on various topics of interest. This will enable you determine your relative level in learning compared to the outside environment.

  18. Knowledge is better condensed when you read, digest, answer questions on what you read and in addition to be able to teach other people successfully. There is high tendency of retention if you can re-teach what you learnt or read, it will make it stay permanently in the brain and the teaching process will always be a reminder whenever you tend to forget. Teaching can be done among friends and colleagues and you may even engage your family members in topical discussion even if they do not have knowledge of the topic. According to Abraham Lincoln who said: “I will study and prepare, and perhaps my chance will come.”

  20. Prayer is the sword of a believer. All efforts without prayer may be efforts in futility. Always pray to God to grant you success in your endeavours. With prayers, you can move a mountain.


  1. Association of partners with Allah in beliefs and worship
  2. Disobedience to parents
  3. Swearing with other than Allah
  4. Swearing with Allah’s name falsely or on frivolities
  5. Delaying five obligatory prayers beyond their prescribed times
  6. Non-observance of five daily prayers at all
  7. Backbiting, slandering and gossiping
  8. Arrogance, boasting and pride
  9. Being shameless
  10. Telling lies
  11. Utterance of vulgar words and vein talks
  12. Abusing, cursing or satirizing Muslims
  13. Fighting with fellow Muslims
  14. Mockery and making jest of others
  15. Giving false witness / testimony
  16. Causing disputes among people
  17. The use of right hand in blowing nose, in cleansing one’s private parts after impurities or its use for any other filthy things
  18. Urinating /defecating on the people’s walkway
  19. Talking while in the toilet
  20. Touching one’s private parts with right hand
  21. Handshake with opposite sex
  22. Hugging, kissing, being in privacy or free mixing with opposite sex
  23. Homosexuality and Lesbianism
  24. Fornication and illegal relationship with opposite sex
  25. Eating or drinking with left hand
  26. Chanting and listening to music
  27. Dancing
  28. Consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants
  29. Gambling / Betting
  30. Stealing other people’s properties
  31. Being wasteful and extravagant in spending
  32. Cheating in the examination
  33. Looking at the nakedness of others
  34. Watching of obscene films or pictures
  35. Immodest dressing
  36. Shaving part of the hair and leaving other parts (Qaza‘u)
  37. Excessive display of ornaments by girls (Tabarruj)
  38. Playing with dices
  39. Assisting evil doers
  40. Looking down upon people


  1. Having strong belief in Allah
  2. Being God-fearing in all endeavors
  3. Total reliance on Allah
  4. Strict adherence to Al-Qur’an and Sunnah
  5. Humility
  6. Modesty
  7. Honesty and trustworthiness
  8. Showing respect to others
  9. Having love for other
  10. Punctuality
  11. Sincerity of intention
  12. Sacrifice
  13. Dedication and commitment
  14. Hardworking
  15. Kindness
  16. Generosity and Hospitability
  17. Time management
  18. Tolerance and being friendly
  19. Patience/endurance
  20. Steadfastness in all matters
  21. Accountability
  22. Observance of salat at its prescribed time
  23. Persistent recitation of the Qur’an
  24. Regular chanting of adhkar (Prophetic Supplications)
  25. Lowering of the gaze
  26. Chastity
  27. Commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil
  28. Keeping the righteous company
  29. Assisting one another in virtue
  30. Dressing decently and Islamically
  31. Self-supervision
  32. Self-evaluation
  33. Self-confidence
  34. Repentance from sins and mistakes
  35. Upholding of true Islamic brotherhood
  36. Being the first to greet other fellows
  37. Self-contentment
  38. Obedience to constituted authorities
  39. Taking to corrections
  40. Remembrance of death


  1. An effective Muslim teacher is sincere.
  2. An effective Muslim teacher is God-fearing.
  3. An effective Muslim teacher is accountable.
  4. An effective Muslim teacher is trustworthy.
  5. An effective Muslim teacher is humble.
  6. An effective Muslim teacher is forgiving.
  7. An effective Muslim teacher is disciplined.
  8. An effective Muslim teacher is analytical.
  9. An effective Muslim teacher is self-restraint.
  10. An effective Muslim teacher is knowledgeable.
  11. An effective Muslim teacher is generous.
  12. An effective Muslim teacher is compassionate.
  13. An effective Muslim teacher is patient.
  14. An effective Muslim teacher is consistent.
  15. An effective Muslim teacher is cooperative.
  16. An effective Muslim teacher is courageous.
  17. An effective Muslim teacher is creative.
  18. An effective Muslim teacher is dedicated
  19. An effective Muslim teacher is determined.
  20. An effective Muslim teacher is dynamic.
  21. An effective Muslim teacher is empathetic.
  22. An effective Muslim teacher is adaptable
  23. An effective Muslim teacher is engaging.
  24. An effective Muslim teacher is enthusiastic.
  25. An effective Muslim teacher is evolving.
  26. An effective Muslim teacher is fearless.
  27. An effective Muslim teacher is accessible.
  28. An effective Muslim teacher is friendly.
  29. An effective Muslim teacher is inspirational.
  30. An effective Muslim teacher is caring.
  31. An effective Muslim teacher is joyful.
  32. An effective Muslim teacher is just.
  33. An effective Muslim teacher is kind.
  34. An effective Muslim teacher is motivational.
  35. An effective Muslim teacher is organized.
  36. An effective Muslim teacher is passionate.
  37. An effective Muslim teacher is resourceful.
  38. An effective Muslim teacher is skilled.
  39. An effective Muslim teacher is zealous.
  40. An effective Muslim teacher leads by example.