A nice iphone

Get paid Fast, Securely & Reliable

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Turpis eu sed mauris non dignissim. Nam mi pretium,
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How OPay can help you

A small pig

Personal Finances

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consectetur adipiscing elit
sed mauris non dignissim

A small building

Business Finances

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit
sed mauris non dignissim

A small badge

Secure Finance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit
sed mauris non dignissim

A small rocket

Fast Payment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit
sed mauris non dignissim

A man standing

Meet Sample

Sample is a platform designed for merchant or seller. It has all the features that are needed and frequently used by Seller. Handling payments & Inventory! Learn More

People standing on qeue
A nice smart phone


You don't have to own a smartphone, Sample works with all mobile phones.

Android users can find us on Google Play Store and IOS users, we are near the corners!

A laptop

Payment Solutions.

E-Commerce made easy with Sample --Buy and Sell at your convience.

A nice lock

Highly Secure

You don't have to own a smartphone, Sample works with all mobile phones.

Android users can find us on Google Play Store and IOS users, we are near the corners!

A nice techno phone


  • Available on USSD *726#
  • Settle (liquidate): real-time
  • Secure Access – Encryption
  • Real-time monitoring and reporting
  • Support multiple Users
  • Dashboard with insights and analytics
  • Integrated with BK and Ecobank
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